Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Curriculum Exemplars

My first exemplar is 'We're popping for Math'. The learning goals are data analysis and probability. This exemplar is significant because it is authentic learning. Students are learning Math with technology integration. The learning is problem based, so it challenges the students to think critically. The unit of study aims to teach children how to use data and probability to establish, maintain and profit from a popcorn business (serving popcorn to students at the school). This unit is effectively geared towards the middle school students because it will actively engage its students. Furthermore, the Cool math - Online graphing calculator will give students the ability to use a graphing calculator wherever they can log onto a computer for free. The url is


Nan Lujan said...

Do you have a link to the popcorn math exemplar? I'd love to read more about it.

shebdon said...

I have seen similar projects and they can work well with 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students. Units like Popcorn Math can be interdisciplinary - incorporating, language arts, social studies (Economics) with Math and then technology supporting the project. Students can use Excel (and use formulas) to set up their budget, Word to write up their directions and even KidPix to make posters and flyers.
Lemonade Stand is another example of an interdisciplinary unit.

CWalker said...

Yes. The article comes from Learning & Leading with Technology Vol. 31 and Number 4. Also,, the online graphing calculator is linked to my blog.

Christy said...

I checked out Stephanie's link to lemonade stand, and I think students would really enjoy this. It reminds me alot of SimFarm and other computer programs that simulated real life events. I think these programs can be very useful in getting students to think about and solve real world problems/situations.

Nan Lujan said...

It sounds like a great project! Have you tried something similar or are you planning to try something similar with your students? I agree with Christy that projects like these are similar to the SIM programs that kids are playing on their computers and gaming systems and isn't that the kind of thing that our kids were suggesting we do more of in school with technology?

CWalker said...

Certainly. I am making recommendations to our site-based team however I am not sure how they will receive it. I work with the kindergarteners and they love to eat popcorn, most children do. A classroom environment will need to be very well planned and well established to complete this project based learning assignment. Student learning will be the central focus of a an open classroom with the teacher as the facilitator.